Reducing your Plastic Waste

As our temperatures sour and our sea levels reach record high levels, it is more important than ever to look after our planet to be able to mitigate the effects of climate change. Plastics are a big contributor to climate change and a primary cause of water pollution, posing a severe threat to our marine life with at least 14 million tons of plastic ending up in our oceans every year! Check out our top tips for reducing your plastic waste!

Ryder & Dutton

Switching to a Plastic-Free Milk Alternative

Glass bottles filled with milk

One simple way to reduce your plastic consumption is by switching from plastic milk bottles to an alternative that is more eco-friendly. Consider supporting your local milkman who delivers milk in glass bottles or check if your nearby shops stock glass-bottled milk. By making this switch, you can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated in your household.

Say No to Single-Use Plastics

Resuable utensils

An effective way to minimise plastic waste is by saying no to single-use items. Plastic straws, cutlery, water bottles, and coffee cups are used once and then discarded. By opting for reusable alternatives such as metal or glass straws, bamboo cutlery and refillable water bottles, can not only can you save money in the long run, but you can also significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

Utilise Cloth or Reusable Bags

Reusable mesh bag with apples inside

When you go shopping for fruits, vegetables or bulk items, make a conscious effort to use cloth or reusable mesh bags instead of relying on the plastic bags provided at the store. These reusable bags are durable and can be used repeatedly, significantly reducing the amount of plastic waste generated from your supermarket trips.

Choose Glass or Metal Containers

Oats inside a glass jar to help reduce plastic waste

When it comes to storing food and leftovers, opt for glass or metal containers instead of plastic containers or cling film. Mason jars and stainless-steel containers are sturdy, safe alternatives that can be reused multiple times, minimising your reliance on disposable storage options.

Limit Online Shopping

A lady shopping

The rise of fast fashion has contributed to a shorter lifespan of clothing items, resulting in more frequent replacements. With the convenience of online shopping, clothes can be ordered with just a few clicks and delivered straight to your door. Unfortunately, this convenience often comes with additional packaging to protect the items during shipping. By reducing your online shopping habits and opting for in-store purchases, or better still second-hand clothing stores. This way you can help decrease the plastic packaging waste associated with your purchases.

Switch to Bars of Soap

Bars of soap to reduce plastic waste

A simple yet effective change you can make is switching from liquid hand soap packaged in plastic bottles to bars of soap. This small adjustment can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated in your household. Alternatively, you can refill hand soap and shower gels using bulk options to further increase sustainability.

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Plastic cleaning bottles being reused to reduce plastic waste

Another way to avoid plastic-packaged cleaning products is by creating your own using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda and essential oils. By making your own cleaning solutions, you can reduce the amount of plastic waste generated from these products and ensure that you're using eco-friendly ingredients. Reusing your old plastic bottles is also a great way to avoid adding to landfill sites. These can be refilled at local zero-waste stores if making your own products isn't your thing!

Recycle and Repurpose

Man recycling to reduce his plastic waste

Properly recycling any plastic items that you cannot avoid is essential. Familiarise yourself with the recycling guidelines in your area and ensure that you dispose of plastic waste responsibly. Consider repurposing plastic items before disposing of them. Get creative and find new uses for plastic containers, bottles, or other items to give them a second life before they end up in the recycling bin or landfill.

Remember, Reducing Plastic Waste Takes Time

Recycling box full of disposable items

It's important to remember that reducing plastic waste is a gradual process. Start by making small changes and gradually incorporating more sustainable habits into your lifestyle. Each action you take contributes to making a significant difference in the long run. By adopting these tips you can inspire others and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for our planet!

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