Renovating Your Home on a Budget

Renovating your home can be an exciting experience, but it can also be expensive. However, you can do it on a budget if you know where to focus your efforts. Here are some of our top tips on how you can renovate your home on a budget!

Ryder & Dutton

Change the front door

Much like people, first impressions count for a lot when it comes to making a judgement on someone's home. Rightly or wrongly, the first things we see stick with us, and even when presented with new information, first impressions can be hard to shift.

There's nothing more immediate than someone's front door. Most of us use ours daily and it's commonly the first thing we see whenever visiting someone's place for the first time. A front door can make or break a property's curb appeal and its overall aesthetics from the outside, so it's best to take care when selecting one. There are some great doors available to suit all property styles, but if you want to keep the budget down, a simple repaint can make all the difference. Make a statement with bold and bright colours, or opt for a more understated look. You can also add interest and appeal to an entrance on a budget with a new house number sign, doormat and some potted plants or hanging baskets.

Revamp the Stairs

Stairs with carpet runner
Stairs are important. There's a reason lots of people choose to make them a primary feature of their house. You can do this in a number of different ways. First, it's important to consider what you've got currently. Perhaps they're carpeted, stained or painted. A simple repaint can be an effective way to start. Consider the surrounding wood at both the top and bottom of the stairs, as well as the overall decor of the walls and surrounding accessories.

A carpet runner is a timeless classic, with carpet running through the middle of the stairs with exposed sections on either side. This is especially good as it's sometimes possible to use the carpet you've currently got on the stairs, reducing the cost whilst still allowing you to add a trendy feature to your property. Weigh up the options and consider how much of the surrounding decor you want to change to match your stairs. Things can begin to get pricey but with a solid strategy and some well-applied wooden stain or paint, you can transform your stairs without a major spend. Consider artwork such as a gallery wall along your stairs, this can be an inexpensive and effective way to elevate your stairway.


Painting internal doors
The great thing about paint is its versatility. You can transform the feel of a room with a few fresh coats of paint and the best thing is, most of us can get by without having to pay for a decorator. It goes without saying but light colours make a room feel bigger and increase the light in a room, though there is a danger too much white can feel a little stark. This is where a well-placed section of colour, with accessories to match, can bring a room to life, without the need for a complete overhaul. If in doubt, YouTube is a great resource to learn painting fundamentals, whether it's ceilings, walls or skirting boards you're looking to revamp. It's cheap, and with a little research and preparation, easy too!

Tweak the furniture

New furniture is great but can be expensive, so it's sensible to get more out of what you've already got. Wooden furniture often benefits from a fresh lick of paint, either by your own hand or via professionals who'll likely be able to give you a range of finishes to choose from.

Reupholstering is a good option for fabric but before jumping into what can be quite a long and arduous process, consider giving your furniture a good old-fashioned clean. Most cushion covers can be put through a wash cycle, and you'd be surprised how much better they look with a quick freshen-up. Invest in some specialist fabric cleaners for larger items, which given a little effort, can give your well-worn furniture a new lease of life.

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